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Dear Fellow Lover of Beauty, Art, Color, Expression and Healing… Asian Style!

It is my deepest desire that as you observe the color, lines, shapes, elements, and message of my art, an existential “ah” breathes open your heart. The more open a heart, the more access to healing. The ancient symbols of Chinese Characters carry ancient roots and wisdom that can awaken our own cells to wisdom and healing. Even the word art is in the word heart! I wish for love and healing to be awakened in those inspired by my art. Please share with others what is awakened in you. In Gratitude, Laurie Morse [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

DSCN0030Art Inspiring a New You!

Do you have an aspect of yourself or your life that you wish to be better? The 5-Elements in Chinese Medicine effect us at every level of our being…Mind, Body, and Spirit.

It takes energy to shift energy. When you align yourself with the energy you desire, via symbolic, healing art, then energy can move.

A work of art dedicated to your intention is a great way to support your new energy and your movement into it because it bypasses the left brain (intellect) and registers more in the right brain (creative & feeling center). This allows for a more flexible shift of your own energy.

The beauty of it is….it works!!!I


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I’ll give you an example by telling you a story (the short version)….

Over lunch, a friend of mine was mentioning that her husband noticed she didn’t “please herself first”. He noticed she put out a lot of energy for work, chores, others etc. and she tended to be last on the list. We talked about that for a bit and I said, “It sounds like you just don’t like the phrase “please yourself first, what other way could you hear the same sentiment and let it in?” After talking about it for just a few moments, it was easier for her to get her arms around the “keep your cup full in order to best give to others” teaching. She decided that the visual of a water fountain really rang for her. She could see that for the bottom tier to fill up the top tier had to be full, thus, keeping her own top tier full first is important to the bottom tier of chores, work, others in her life.

I said, “That’s a perfect example of what I was talking about with art and a person’s next step (I had been describing my idea to her earlier). I asked if I could create a piece for her and she was thrilled with the idea. We talked about what colors, graphics, and size would be a good visual reminder for her to keep her own cup full before pouring out to others.

See Facebook page for images of Asian Healing Art by Laurie Morse, L.Ac.

They make absolutely wonderful gifts too!

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Beauty is seen from the outside in and felt from the inside out. Let us tend to the balance of both, as beauty is Art, and Art is Divine expression.

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When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience before her and enters into her own image.

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Examples of possible Artistic Focus for You in Your Life Might be:

Aging Gracefully
Appreciating Your Unique Beauty
Being a more Empowered and Centered You
Bringing Your Fertility To You
Calling Forth Your Ideal Partner
Creating Your Ideal Work/Career/Job/Business
Deepening Your Spiritual Connection // Increase in Guidance
Giving From a Full Cup // Balance
Greater Health // Overcoming a Health Challenge (i.e. being free of an addiction)
Hormonal Balance with or without a Sacred Feminine element
Improving Your Body Image
Improving Your Self Worth
Increasing Friendship in Your Life
Increasing Love in Your Life
Increasing Serenity & Peace in Your Moments
Increasing Travel in Your Life
Increasing Your Abundance
Moving into Your Sacred or Divine Feminine
Shifting Sticky Emotions ( Fear, Doubt, Judgement, Jealousy, Tendency to Complain)

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December 6th, 2008 ~ Jan Phillips Art Show

December 12th, 2008 ~ Foundation for Women
